Please put on your calendar that our next TSC Meeting will be on Saturday, January 27, 2024, 11AM, in the Veterans Building, at the Wilson County Fairgrounds, 945 E Baddour Parkway, Lebanon Tennessee.

Upcoming Events

  1.  Please submit information/photos of activities and/or special projects to be posted at TSC’s website.  Send info/photos to Bill Norton @  Also, if you have not submitted contact info and a photo of Chapter President for the website, please also send to Bill. Thank you – and thanks for all that your Chapter is continuing to do in serving & supporting our Tennessee Brothers & Sisters and their families as well as all other veterans.

CHAPTER 203 member Captain Larry Taylor will be receiving his upgrade Silver Star to the Metal of Honor soon. 203 is so proud to have one of our members finally get the recognition he deserves.
Will keep you updated when this ceremony will take place at the White House
Charlie Hobbs 203 President


It’s not too early to begin your Chapter’s New Year planning for the 2023 Convention which will be held in Orlando, Florida, August 8, 2023 – August 12, 2023
Each VVA Chapter is entitled to send and seat Delegate(s) in accordance with the VVA Constitution, Article I, Section 6, Paragraph C(1): Each chapter shall be entitled to one vote for its first twenty-five members. A chapter that has fifty members shall be entitled to a second vote at the Convention. For each full block of fifty members thereafter, the chapter shall be entitled to one additional vote. In the event that a chapter shall have less than twenty-five members, the chapter shall receive no vote, but the members thereof shall be included in the number of non-affiliated members for representation by the state council, as set forth below. Chapter delegates to the convention must be selected from the chapter membership or from the membership of the state in which the chapter is located.
While I’m very confident Chapter memberships will increase, the below represents (please correct me if my calculations for your Chapter are incorrect) the potential # of Delegates per Chapter based upon November 2022’s membership report.
The 2023 Convention will be very important regarding the future of VVA and we should all; want Tennessee to have the loudest voice there – and we can do that by seating the largest # of delegates.

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