Chapter Resources

Forms: VVA National

                                                Federal & State Filings

IRS 990-N (e-Postcard)

TN Annual Report

TN Division of Charitable Solicitations and Gaming

VVA Standing/Special Committees
(Listing Only)

Agent Orange & Dioxin
Maynard Kaderlik, Chair

Awards Subcommittee
Dan Stenvold, Chair

Budget Oversight Subcommittee
Sara McVicker, Chair

Leslie DeLong, Chair

Convention & Conference Planning
Dan Stenvold, Chair

Convention Rules
Joseph Jennings, Chair

Richard Lindbeck, Chair

Economic Opportunities
Frank Barry, Chair

Scott DeArman, Chair

Ned Foote, Chair

Government Affairs
Felix Peterson, Jr.

Homeless Veterans
Sandy Miller, Chair

Richard Southern, Chair

Minority Affairs
Gumersindo Gomez, Chair

​PTSD and Substance Abuse
Thomas C. Hall, Ph.D., Chair

Public Affairs
Dennis Howland, Chair

John Margowski, Chair

State Council Presidents
Rex Moody, Chair

Veterans Against Drugs
David Simmons, Chair

Veterans Benefits
John Riling III, Chair

Veterans Health
Chuck Byers, Chair

Veterans Incarcerated & in the
  Justice System

Dominick Yezzo, Chair

Women Veterans
Kate O’Hare-Palmer, Chair